Maala Mecha Trilsea’n is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help individuals, families, and the community experience spiritual, emotional, and physical healing and wellness through holistic care and modalities of the mind, body, and spirit.
Maala Mecha Trilea’n provides a holistic approach to healing and wellness to address the whole person. We all have a mind, a body, and a spirit, and the health of one affects the health of all three. The pain of one affects the pain of the others. For example, someone may seek care for chronic headaches, but if their headaches are caused by stress and anxiety, then simply offering pain medication will not address the root cause of the headaches. Maala Mecha Trilea’n is a community that offers the opportunity to explore holistic wellness and to get at the roots of symptoms for the greatest impact on an individual’s health and well-being.
Maala Mecha Trilsea’n does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or any other basis of discrimination prohibited by law.
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Maala Mecha Trilsea’n
Still under construction - more info to come
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